Waste management is the most critical issue in India
Government’s vision for clean and less polluted India under Swachchha Bharat Mission articulates the following steps ;
- Residents need to segregate wet and dry waste
- Collected wet waste is to be transported to centralized composting units
- Dry waste is to be sent to collection units for further recycling.
Existing Practice: Waste is collected from door-to-door in a non segregated way. This collected waste is transported to dumping place. (adding to cost of transportation) It results in….Methane Emission (Green house Gas), Soil Pollution, contaminated Ground Water, Air pollution. Ultimately causes harm to our environment.
The Solution
We, at Green Maneuver, provide a Decentralized Solid Waste Management, An Emerging Model for Sustainable Management of Solid Waste.
To get rid of all above wrong practices which is extremely harmful to the environment and human life, Green Maneuver has come up with the solution of Decentralized Solid Waste Management.
An analysis of mixed wastes shows it approximately consists organic wastes 51.34%. Thus, our garbage mix has more of compostable wastes than discardable.
Herein comes the role of composting.
It only could make our trash take rebirth, a clean area can be evolved and our soils rejuvenated. This is possible by adopting different composting strategies like composting by compost tumbler and curing pit.

Our Decentralized Solid Waste Management Model
We follow a comprehensive waste management system that emphasizes on source reduction, reuse, composting and recycling, and proper disposal of any residual material.
- Dry & wet waste is segregated at the source only.
- Dry waste is collected then brought at shed, bailed & further is being sent for recycling.
- Wet waste is first collected in Green Maneuver’s compost bin/tumbler to Pre-compost.
- Then this is transferred from tumbler to curing pit to make compost.
- This wet waste is converted in to compost at site only.
- This compost is being sold further or used for organic farming.
Advantages of this Model
- The system will immensely help in setting standards in waste management
- The system will be an additional component in fulfilling the requirements of ISO certification procedure/higher scoring in Cleanliness Survey (Swachchhata Sarwekshan)
- This will be the best educative and practical project which will help collage and school students& institutions to understand SWM. Eventually, the whole country will be benefitted when these young minds are trained in their growth years.
- The system will help in Zero Discharge of Waste
- Hygienic way for solid waste management.
- This system creates a self-sustainable model and help from economic and environmental point of view.
- This will generate rich Compost and Value added Material from Plastic waste which can be used or can be sold out.
- This project will take care of waste generated at SOURCE and this will help to keep the vicinity clean.
- The Project which includes Process and Product has potential impact and certainly has Commercial value.
- The project is Scalable, Replicable & sustainable.
- Considerable reduction in cost of labor for collection of waste, fuel, vehicle, Transportation of waste.
- Clean environment & Healthy lifestyle.
- An evident contribution to “CLEAN India” movement.
By using IEC – Information Education Communication logic by educating people and BCC – Behavioral Change Communication to inculcate habits. Regular follow up and monitoring is done to ensure project becomes self-sustainable.
We manage this mission in co-ordination with local administration and workers there – train them properly and eventually the process will become self-sustainable.Implementing Incentive scheme also which helps to habit formation.
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